Shakespeare Animated: The Winter’s Tale

Shakespeare: The Animated Tales was a BBC television series of the 1990s that produced 30-minute versions of Shakespeare’s plays with animation done by well-known Russian animators at the Christmasfilms studio. This version of The Winter’s Tale is Shakespeare’s dark comedy about a king’s jealousy run wild.  This little animated version is loaded with gorgeous wintry scenes.

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Shakespeare Animated: The Tempest

Shakespeare: The Animated Tales was a BBC television series of the 1990s that produced 30-minute versions of Shakespeare’s plays with animation done by well-known Russian animators at the Christmasfilms studio. This version of The Tempest from 1992 is a masterpiece. It’s simply one of the best film adaptations of Shakespeare I’ve ever seen. The island setting is wonderfully romantic and diffused. The characters are unbelievably expressive in movement. The voice work is superb. Though the script is pared down to 30 minutes, it preserves the essential fun of Shakespeare’s magical work.

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Animation: Pushkin

Pushkin is a stop-motion animation by Trevor Hardy for his Fool Hardy Films studio.  The film is full of very easy-going humor that starts as soon as the old woman first opens her mouth to ask if anyone has seen her missing cat.  I think the way the character talks is just hilarious.  This little studio is a one-man outfit that is producing totally marvelous work.

I found this via the fantastic no fat clips!!!

A Wolf Loves Pork: Stop Motion Photo Animation

Takeuchi Jaijin made this film by photographing the action in stop motion then photographing the photos again in his room.  He makes the action seem to take place all along his walls, countertops and floors.  I love the way the boy dives into the filled sink and swims across!  The photo animation technique reminds me of the photo collages of artist David Hockney.

Thanks to David Pescovitz at BoingBoing for posting this.