Gulp is a stop-motion film created by animators at Aardman. It was shot entirely on a Nokia N8 camera and has the distinction of having used the largest set for a stop-motion film in the world. A beach!
Gulp is a stop-motion film created by animators at Aardman. It was shot entirely on a Nokia N8 camera and has the distinction of having used the largest set for a stop-motion film in the world. A beach!
This is a very nice and expertly done split-screen romance by J.W. Griffiths that leads up to a sweet ending that one can see coming right from the start. That’s kind of the point of the film actually. It’s the matching details that make the film work so well. It was shot entirely on a Nokia N8 mobile phone and it won the Nokia Shorts Competition 2011.
With thanks to Jill Coyne.
Shot with a Nokia N8 mobile phone, Anders Weberg’s film is multi-layered trip through a night dreamscape. He seems to form landscapes of diffused glowing light.
Anders Weberg is an artist in Sweden who uses cell phone cameras to make his fluid, multi-layered works that are like quiet explosions of color.