In the Shadow: A Short Film Noir by Fabrice Mathieu

Written and directed by Fabrice Mathieu, ‘In the Shadow’ is a film noir about the separate lives of shadows.  It is made entirely from existing film noir shadow shots. What happens when a person’s shadow kills its ‘wearer’ and lives its own life? I love all of this film noir stuff with black and white shadows and contrast. The sense of graphic dread is missing from mainstream films today.  This short film is apparently a prequel for a feature length project.

Science Fiction Animation: Fard

Fard is a 2009 French animated short by Luis Briceno and David Alapont. The story is quite visual, but my limited French tells me that the main character is part of a colorless corporate world and he’s just done a good presentation at work. However, he gets a package that contains something which allows him for a brief time to see what really lies underneath the surface of things.

Via SF Signal

Animation: The Legend of the Turning Stone

This French animation was made by Mélanie Climent, Élodie Fraysse, and Émilie Frezet for Supinfocom Arles in 2006.  Some sort of puppeteer tells a story and sets it all in motion with a table-top town.  A puppet woman with a child is tempted to cross toward a mysterious stone that hides a magical secret.

I found this via a fantastic cinema site called No fat clips!!!

La Jetée: Intense French Science Fiction Film

La Jetée is a French science fiction photo-novel made by Chris Marker in 1962.  It is composed almost entirely of still photos that tell the story of a man who is selected as an ideal subject for time travel experiments conducted by survivors of World War III.  What I like about this piece is that it is real science fiction.  It’s experimental.  It deals with some sort of future.  It’s about humanity and technology.  It’s mysterious.  It’s everything that most so-called science fiction today is not.  Chris Marker has been a filmmaker, poet, novelist, photographer and digital multimedia artist for many decades.  He is considered one of the most influential experimental filmmakers in the world.