Film: Spaceman

Jono Schaferkotter wrote and directed this short sci-fi film that places a spaceship crew in love and peril during a mission to find more resources for Earth. But the spaceship is an apartment. It’s a clever mix of perspectives and imaginary circumstances that play out over the course of a short romance. The film was made with no budget but it features some lovely special effects and a very convincing space walk.

Film: Nuit Blanche

Spy Films produced this short film by Arev Manoukian.  Lots of beautiful slow-motion, water and glass.  I like the black & white retro look.  The film captures one of those fleeting moments of imagination that usually don’t involve both parties, but rather just the lonelier one.  Usually the guy.  The woman in the restaurant would probably be too distracted by her drink and her own reflection in the window.  The guy in the street is not going to stand a chance with this lady.  No way.  But it’s nice while it lasts.  I found it over at my favorite film place, No Fat Clips!!!

Awkward Office Moment 1: An XtraNormal Animation

I’ve found a fantastic online 3D animation service called  You choose characters and settings, then you write your little script and choose facial expressions, movements, camera angles, and sounds.  When you’ve put it all together in a simple list, you press a button and in a few moments you have a movie!  I think it’s very well done.

I’ve made a little movie called Awkward Office Moment 1.