Derek Salvatore made this short animation about fuzzy bits of things trying to illustrate some ideas on matter by Bertrand Russel. That narrator is Derek Jacobi. Simple, effective beauty.
Category Archives: Short Films
In the Shadow: A Short Film Noir by Fabrice Mathieu
Written and directed by Fabrice Mathieu, ‘In the Shadow’ is a film noir about the separate lives of shadows. It is made entirely from existing film noir shadow shots. What happens when a person’s shadow kills its ‘wearer’ and lives its own life? I love all of this film noir stuff with black and white shadows and contrast. The sense of graphic dread is missing from mainstream films today. This short film is apparently a prequel for a feature length project.
It’s Gonna Rain: A Short Film by Luca Gennari
Italian filmmaker, Luca Gennari made this beautiful and gently moving piece about her grandmother. The rural setting is a classic part of Italy. The slaughter and skinning of the rabbit is something that I have seen several times in the northern villages of Italy. Italian filmmakers seem to me to be developing a magnificent new cinema of memory with the new accessible tools of film and video making. But it is the Italian filmmakers that I see most delicately capturing the operations of memory today.
Saint Sebastien: A Short Film by Jerome Paressant
A French film by Jerome Paressant. A woman who spends a lot of time next to roads and seems not quite a part of the world.
Wall – Ethos: A Film by Alessandro Cima
Brazilian artist Claudio Ethos works on his first Los Angeles art piece. I happened upon him down on Main Street and thought he was a worker about to paint over a painting of a face. I started shooting and after several minutes realized that he was the artist.
Idiot With a Tripod: A Short Film by Jamie Stuart
Here’s a short film about the snow in New York City by Jamie Stuart.