Category Archives: Journalism
Je Suis Charlie
Death in Syria – How Global Post’s Tracey Shelton Captured Her Iconic War Images
Tracey Shelton, a photojournalist working for Global Post was on the Syrian civil war front lines in the city of Aleppo, covering a group of rebel fighters who were manning a barricade position. She was using a Canon 7D DSLR camera to take video as the fighters prepared for the possible approach of some tanks. They were caught unprepared and her camera captured the moment when they were killed by a tank shell. The resulting images have become some of the most direct examples of just how suddenly death can come in war. They are a shocking reminder of war’s brutality. The bravery she must have to sneak around those streets with only a camera to defend herself from snipers, tanks and rocket propelled grenades is astounding. I think I would simply put my camera away and run.
DSLR News Shooter has an in-depth article about the photographer.
The photo of Tracey Shelton is by Niklas Meltio.
The original video of the terrible moment in a short documentary is shown here:
Here is an interview with the photojournalist about how she got her images:
The Neglected: A Film About the Street Children of Ukraine by David Gillanders
Photographer David Gillanders of Scotland made this film from his work photographing the homeless children of Ukraine. It was produced by Britain’s Channel 4. The drug addiction and desperate living conditions make for a very upsetting experience. It is difficult to imagine how children can be allowed to slip below the streets to live in sewers. It is an unforgivable sin in any civilization to allow this to happen to its children. Most of these kids are now dead.
It seems to me a worthy form of journalism that straightforwardly documents suffering that is being experienced by the most helpless members of a population.
Thank you to Paul Gallagher at Dangerous Minds.
1958 Mike Wallace Interview with Brave New World Author Aldous Huxley

Mike Wallace talks to ‘Brave New World‘ author Aldous Huxley, focusing on the danger of slipping into totalitarian government as a result of overpopulation, increasing hierarchical organization of people in corporate structures, and improper use of television and subliminal advertising. He continually refers to the similarity between the methods of advertising agencies and those of political dictators.
Wallace: …and we’ll be persuaded to vote for someone that we do not know we are being persuaded to vote for?
Huxley: Exactly, I mean this is the rather alarming feature… that you are being persuaded below the level of choice and reason.
Perhaps that explains the election of George W. Bush, a raging drunk without the slightest education – a psychopathic false cowboy with delusions of a holy mission to invade the Middle East. It was national suicide. The election of Bush was the worst thing to happen to the United States since the Civil War and it cannot be explained by logic. The world is only at the beginning of decades spent recovering from the criminality and death unleashed by Bush. I think Huxley might have said that Bush was the easily predictable outcome of uncontrolled corporatization. Every corporation likes to push dull-witted and unimportant people into middle management positions where they can function as the tiered facade standing between the board members and the Chinese slave camps.
Occupy Wall Street Keeps Coming Back
Rachel Maddow does a wonderful piece on the freedom of speech aspects of Occupy Wall Street. She contrasts the police at University of California’s Berkeley campus shoving students with batons to the 1964 Mario Savio speech in support of free speech for students. The police violence against students last week happened on the very plaza that celebrates Savio’s great speech.