Be One With Thoreau’s Walden in a Computer Game!

Hmmm… well gee I dunno about this. Seems just like something a crew at a university might come up with. Henry David Thoreau’s ‘Walden’ as an interactive real-time 3D game that allows you to walk in Thoreau’s ‘virtual footsteps.’ Well all I can say is that the graphics better be bloody goddamn good or I’m not even stepping out the virtual door. A rose better look like a rose and not an artichoke, know what I mean? Did nasty little Thoreau know that he was leaving virtual footsteps? Would he have wiped them out if he did? Surely we can follow some sort of footsteps through his book. Wouldn’t that be the preferred means?

And another thing, this silly game better allow me the privilege to trample Thoreau’s lovely spot in Emerson’s backyard. I’d better be able to dig up some bushes and cut some trees if I want to. Could I expand on the cabin? I bet not. I bet these USC folks are utterly humorless about this silly project and envision me casually sauntering around and looking at leaves like a lobotomized moron with an interest in the Dalai Lama. I watched the Lama himself on CNN the other night. He said he gets turned on by women. My admiration for him went up a few notches. I also like that he wears blue glasses.

Here’s some clever wording from our friends at USC:

Walden, A Game simulates both personal and environmental life, modeling the basic personal needs outlined by Thoreau, as well as some of the more experiential concepts he described. Furthermore, the game takes advantage of the detailed notes that Thoreau took about the pond, and its surrounding landscape, flora and fauna.

The Thoreau that I know would have given this author an excellent ‘experiential concept’ by putting a shovel to the side of their head.

Halloween Action Game: Vampire Hunter

Defend the house against the vampires coming in through the window!  Use your crossbow and silver-tipped arrows to destroy the undead vermin before they can hypnotize you with their mind control powers.

Hints: Shoot the bats and flying mist for points.  For more points, wait for the bats and mist to turn into the vampire.  Then shoot him in the chest.  But you only have a second to get him before he stuns you with his mind control.

Reload your crossbow by pressing the spacebar.

Now go kill some vampires!

Take This Opportunity to Deface My Art

My latest artwork is an image that is never quite the same twice. I worked hard on it. Framed it. Hung it in a gallery. Now you come along with your paints and markers and mess it all up. I’m curious to see what you decide to do. So when you deface my best work ever just hit the ‘upload art’ button to send your artwork to me. You can get a copy for yourself by clicking the ‘download’ button. You get 3 uploads, so try to make it count.

Have fun destroying one of my proudest creations!

Tomb of the Mummy Puzzle is a Facebook App

I’ve turned the original Tomb of the Mummy puzzle game into a Facebook app.  So if you spend most of your time over there you can give it a try.

It’s really pretty difficult and has resulting in tons of nasty emails for me.  One guy worked on the puzzle for three weeks and left it on his monitor when his girlfriend came over.  She apparently sat down and solved it in thirty seconds.  The guy was furious and really let me know about it!


Here’s the link to the Tomb of the Mummy on Facebook.