Animation: The TV Show

Sugimoto Kousuke animated this to the music of Takayuki Manabe. It is one of those free-moving explosions of anime that revel in media, electricity, gadgets, techno, and odd angles.  It’s a riot of scenes that I can’t really fit together in any meaningful way, but it sure is a blast to watch.

Via Drawn

Animated Film Velocity in Newgrounds Treasure Hunt

Our animated film, Velocity, has just been featured as a Hidden Gem in the Newgrounds Treasure Hunt experimental films category. The Newgrounds site is the best Flash animation and gaming site in the world because it is open to all comers. Submissions are then voted on by the viewers and stay in the library if they maintain a certain level of popularity. Being picked as a ‘Hidden Gem’ is an honor and we are proud to have our little film there.