The beautiful animations of Myrrha Jamil evoke dreamscapes of ever-shifting fairytale realities in which people and animals come from the earth, briefly drift, and return to nature like wisps. The drawings are done with chalk, watercolor and oil paints. She sometimes photographs her films with a vertical frame, making her little magical world seem barely glimpsed through a keyhole. There’s a mystical quality to these films. They are like messages from the fairy world.
This is work in the creative realm of filmmakers like Yuri Norstein, where the vague impressions and delicate renderings of nature and the subconscious are paramount. Myrrha Jamil is a profoundly talented and obviously brilliant filmmaker.
The Little Ones Who Grow in the Rain from Myrrha Jamil on Vimeo.
A Lullaby from Myrrha Jamil on Vimeo.
Egretta from Myrrha Jamil on Vimeo.
Chalk Boat from Myrrha Jamil on Vimeo.