Crime Stories: Trust

By Ingela Richardson

The author lives with her daughter at the seaside in a rambling, crumbling house full of dogs, cats, an ancient grandmother and an equally ancient retainer who all speak foreign languages.

Adult Themes


The young girl was sleeping, her face and hair so pale under the luminous lights that the teacher held her own hand against the girl’s mouth to feel if she was still breathing.

The hospital was deathly silent with pools of light at other beds and the nurse’s station, but there were no other occupants and the nurse was fetching coffee.

“She’s okay,” a voice said and the teacher actually jumped backward in surprise, so deep had been her concentration on the girl’s face.

“Sorry,” the man apologized and extended a hand, “I’m Doctor Smith.”

“Smith?” she said, for want of anything better to say and shook his hand. He shrugged and lifted the girl’s heavily bandaged arms.

“You see?” he said, “If she were dead, the pathologists would be saying she had raised her arms against the knife in self-defense”.

“Against whom?” the teacher asked.

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Flight to Mars: Science Fiction Trailer

This is a 1950 movie trailer for Flight to Mars.  It’s a grade B science fiction pulp adventure about an expedition to mars that encounters an underground civilization.  I think it actually has a very nice look with lots of color, great sets and fantastic costumes.

By the way, if you like pulpy sci-fi and Mars, head over to our ongoing Princess of Mars podcast.

The Pothole: Audio Horror Story from Well Told Tales

Mature Content

The Pothole is the latest offering from Well Told Tales, a blog specializing in the production of pulp fiction podcasts.  They have recently transitioned from offering only their own audio productions to allowing users to upload their own audio stories, films and written stories.  It’s an excellent idea.

I had a blast listening to The Pothole a few evenings ago.  It’s genuinely disturbing and offers a unique perspective on its genre.  I won’t tell you which genre it is because I don’t want to spoil the suspense for you.  The writing by Kris Ashton hooks you immediately.  His characters are vivid.  The story is pulp fiction at its best.  The narrator is John Wooley, actor, author, film teacher and columnist.  His reading is superb, with a relaxed and gravelly voice that lets the story unwind with just the right touch of dread.

These guys are very accomplished and are making some of the best audio stories I’ve heard anywhere.  Give Well Told Tales a visit.