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Streaming live Tarot readings and discussion. Live streams happen frequently. Hit that blue ‘Subscribe’ button above!

Thrill of the Fight – VR Boxing Livestream – June 10, 6:00 pm PST

Livestream fight 11 with the incredible virtual reality boxing app called ‘The Thrill of the Fight‘ to square off against an AI opponent. It’s serious boxing and an awesome workout. Come by and have an evening at the fight!

We will be live on our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/CandlelightStories

Candlelight Stories Supports Black Lives Matter

Candlelight Stories supports the protests against police racism, police violence, police murder, and general systemic racism.

Image Credit: By Black Lives Matter organization – Own work, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=51386506