Animator Alex Bland made this homage to science fiction movie posters of the 1950s. It’s as if one of those old graphic Hollywood posters came to life with ray guns, flying saucers, robots, police cars and fleeing pedestrians.

Animator Alex Bland made this homage to science fiction movie posters of the 1950s. It’s as if one of those old graphic Hollywood posters came to life with ray guns, flying saucers, robots, police cars and fleeing pedestrians.
Noteboek is one of those films that illustrate what personal filmmaking is. It’s an artist’s hand-made, direct expression. Evelien Lohbeck is the performer and animator in this little gem. There’s something a little Chaplin-like in her clever tricks with drawings and food. I love the part where she’s reflected in the drawing in her notebook. This is really excellent and gently humorous work.
Takeuchi Jaijin made this film by photographing the action in stop motion then photographing the photos again in his room. He makes the action seem to take place all along his walls, countertops and floors. I love the way the boy dives into the filled sink and swims across! The photo animation technique reminds me of the photo collages of artist David Hockney.
Thanks to David Pescovitz at BoingBoing for posting this.
Our roll of poetry for National Poetry Month continues with an animated poem by Maurice Kilwein Guevara. His poem has two Spanish-speaking women planning to speak only English as they enter a Sears store. It’s funny on the surface but it’s also a serious look at how people try to avoid being themselves in order to convince others that they are not stereotypes to be feared.
Here’s another animated poem. This one is by Kwame Dawes who grew up in Jamaica and now lives in South Carolina. I like the way the poet is unafraid to show pleasure in the language of the poem. This seems to be a happy poet.
For National Poetry Month, here’s an Emily Dickinson poem rendered as a beautiful animation with a reading by actress Blair Brown. This is part of the Poetry Foundation’s series of videos known as Poetry Everywhere.
Here is the complete poem for you to read:
I started Early – Took my Dog –
And visited the Sea –
The Mermaids in the Basement
Came out to look at me –And Frigates – in the Upper Floor
Extended Hempen Hands –
Presuming Me to be a Mouse –
Aground – upon the Sands –But no Man moved Me – till the Tide
Went past my simple Shoe –
And past my Apron – and my Belt
And past my Bodice – too –And made as He would eat me up –
As wholly as a Dew
Upon a Dandelion’s Sleeve –
And then – I started – too –And He – He followed – close behind –
I felt His Silver Heel
Upon my Ankle – Then my Shoes
Would overflow with Pearl –Until We met the Solid Town –
No One He seemed to know
And bowing – with a Mighty look –
At me – The Sea withdrew –