Browser Game: Tomb of the Mummy II

The puzzle that drove hundreds of thousands of innocent players insane returns. It’s even worse this time. Try your hand at breaking the curse.

WARNING: This is a frightening horror game. May not be suitable for young children.

Age 13 and Up (Contains difficult puzzle.)


Browser Game: Tomb of the Mummy

Tomb of the Mummy is a terrifying, brain-twisting, head-bashing, nightmare of a horrific puzzle.

Do not try this puzzle if you suffer from any kind of a health condition that could be affected by sudden and extreme fear.

Get comfortable. Get safe. Get ready to think.

Not intended for children under the age of 13.

Browser Game: Vampire Hunter

Use your crossbow to defend against the attack of the vampire. Our new horror action game is a terrifying treat for Halloween.

WARNING: This is a frightening horror game. May not be suitable for young children.

Age 13 and Up (Contains animated violence against bats, ghosts & vampires.)