Storybook: The Shell Shocked Turtle

by Artie Knapp (USA)
the author has an excellent story site: Knapptime Stories
illustration by Kevin Scott Collier

“Owen, you’ve got to come out so we can get a move on!”

Even though Owen knew his sister was right, he was still too scared to come out of his shell. You see, Owen was a baby turtle who had recently experienced his first thunderstorm. And ever since then Owen was afraid of everything! And when I say everything, I mean everything; chirping crickets, little field mice, the moonlight; even the slightest bit of wind rattled Owen’s shell. The lightning bolts and thunder from the storm still haunted his dreams. Just thinking about it made Owen tremble! Continue reading

Storybook: The Sweet Smelling Skunk

by Artie Knapp (USA)
the author has an excellent story site: Knapptime Stories
illustration by Kevin Scott Collier

“Get out of there! Go on now, get,” said Mrs. Donnelly to the rabbits. It wasn’t that Mrs. Donnelly disliked rabbits, she just took great pride in her garden and the rabbits were destroying her array of lush veggies and flowers.

While inspecting the latest round of destruction to her garden, Mrs. Donnelly cried out, “Oh my beautiful garden; it’s just ruined.” Continue reading

Storybook: There’s a Crocodile in Our Pickle Jar

by Artie Knapp (USA)
the author has an excellent story site: Knapptime Stories
illustration by Kevin Scott Collier

“Alex, your brother ate everything on his plate. Why don’t you be a good boy too and eat your dinner?”

“But I’m not hungry,” said Alex.

“Okay, I guess you won’t be hungry for sweets then,” said Alex’s Mom.

Alex’s Mom walked over to the countertop and brought over the most mouth-watering, tasty looking dessert you ever did see.

“Okay, who wants a piece of chocolate cake?”

Before anyone else at the table could utter a single word, Alex blurted out, “Me, me, me, me, me!” Continue reading

Storybook: No More Car Wash Blues

by Artie Knapp (USA)
the author has an excellent story site: Knapptime Stories
illustration by Kevin Scott Collier

“Ethan, I don’t know how much longer I can do this. My feet really hurt.”

“Yeah, so do mine, Sammy. Maybe we should just live at the zoo like Uncle Carl. He gets fed well and just relaxes all day,” said Ethan.

“When I said I don’t know how much longer I can do this, I meant this job. I didn’t mean give up on our dream of being independent elephants.”

“Relax. I haven’t lost sight of that dream either, Sammy. Look, I appreciated Mr. Dilley giving us a job at his carwash, but using my trunk as a water hose isn’t how I want to spend my days.” Continue reading

Storybook: The Turkey and the Pumpkin

by Artie Knapp (USA)
the author has an excellent story site: Knapptime Stories
illustration by Kevin Scott Collier

ONE CRISP AUTUMN MORNING a turkey named Oscar escaped from his farm. Thanksgiving was just weeks away and Oscar knew that his only hope for survival was to reach the petting zoo in Belvar.

After crossing a large hill on his journey, Oscar came across a pumpkin patch that stretched as far as the eye could see. Suddenly a voice shouted out, “Thank goodness someone’s finally come for me.”

The voice startled Oscar, but he didn’t see anyone. “Who’s there?” asked Oscar nervously. Continue reading

Storybook: Alligator Alley

by Artie Knapp (USA)
the author has an excellent story site:
illustration by Emily Doyle (

At first, nothing seemed out of the ordinary on that Tuesday evening in Belvar. The local bowling alley was packed, as a large crowd had gathered for the 26th Annual Belvar Bowling Championship. Everyone was excited for the event to get started.

“Okay, this is the last call. Is there anyone else who wants to register for the tournament before we get underway?” asked the Mayor of Belvar.

The crowd was silent.

“Well, let’s get started then,” said the mayor.

The bowling alley erupted in cheers, but then a deep husky voice said, “Wait. Count me in.” Continue reading