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Directed by Dony Permedi

About the Film:

Dony Permedi created this film as part of his Master's thesis project at the School of Visual Arts. It has become the most watched animation on the internet in recent weeks. It's visuals are clear and simple, telling a little tale that is both charming and sad. This is good work that shows how CG animation, done simply, with concentration on character and story, can create a good film. What this little film helps to prove is that if you are watching your animation on a television, you are way, way off the mark. Wrong box to watch. It's all here on the Web. Just go to an animated film festival and watch the TV people run around and slap each other on the back and try to butter each other up while films are being shown. Try to ignore anything they like. Watch the movies made by the young people who are still in school and would never, ever... no, not ever be caught dead watching 'Family Guy.'

We found this movie via: Viewer Submission

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The DramaCast film festival showcases films and animations that we find during our own searches or that we get through filmmaker submissions. We'll try to offer information on the filmmakers and their work. We'll also try to give filmmakers a place to advertise their DVDs and their studio services. Things will start slowly but we'll figure it out. If there is enough interest, DramaCast might get its own site. Stay tuned...




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